Call for Nominations: UNEP’s Champions of the Earth Award 2024

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has opened nominations for the 2024 Champions of the Earth award, seeking individuals and organizations to make a significant difference in environmental conservation. This prestigious award recognizes leaders from various sectors for their remarkable contributions to protecting the environment.

This year, UNEP is focusing on nominees who are dedicated to land restoration, enhancing drought resilience, and combating desertification. These are crucial areas for environmental preservation, especially as we approach the halfway mark of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Since its establishment in 2005, the Champions of the Earth Award has honored 116 laureates, including world leaders, individuals, and organizations. Last year alone, UNEP received a record 2,500 nominations, highlighting the growing global recognition of environmental stewardship.

As we gear up for World Environment Day on June 5th and the sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in December, the importance of environmental action becomes even more evident. Land restoration, desertification control, and drought resilience are critical to addressing the climate crisis and promoting sustainable development.

Nominations are open from April 15th to May 5th, 2024; anyone can submit a nomination. The Champions of the Earth awards will be announced later in the year, recognizing individuals and organizations in categories such as Policy Leadership, Inspiration and Action, Entrepreneurial Vision, and Science and Innovation.

Last year’s Champions of the Earth award showcased innovative solutions to tackle plastic pollution, including initiatives from Mayor Josefina Belmonte of Quezon City who was honored in the Policy Leadership category, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation: honored in the Inspiration and Action category, Blue Circle from China: honored in the Entrepreneurial Vision category, José Manuel Moller from Chile who was also honored in the Entrepreneurial Vision category, and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research from South Africa which was honored in the Science and Innovation category.

Through initiatives like the Champions of the Earth award, UNEP continues to inspire and empower individuals and groups to positively impact the environment.

For more information and to nominate a Champion of the Earth, visit the UNEP website.

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