Clean Energy is still a complex topical issue in the current climate change dialogue. For centuries human population has relied on fossil fuels as a major source of energy.
Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, emit little to no greenhouse gases, are readily available, and in most cases cheaper than coal, oil, or gas.
Even though they have assisted the growth of industrialization, emissions from their activity have proven more harmful than was predicted.
Over time the carbon emissions have instead proven to be more harmful to both human life and the environment as global warming disrupts the daily weather alignments.
When it comes to human health, people feel headaches, dizziness, tingles, difficulty in breathing, sweating, tiredness, and increased heart rate.
The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases greenhouse effects which are attributed to the actions we partake in as humans for survival.
More thermal energy is pushed into the atmosphere, which affects plant life. The planet becomes warmer which in turn increases global warming and eventually, weather pattens become unpredictable and violent.
With it comes the adverse weather conditions from prolonged droughts, and scarcity of food thereby, other places facing patterns unforeseeable; heavy rainfalls, and extreme heat that thereby causes death to some like in the USA last year.
Emphasis has been put on the need to avert the climate crisis since the global temperatures have shot way past the first agreed highest of 1.5 degrees Celsius headed for 2 degrees.
The COP27 in Egypt is aimed at getting leaders to come together and decide on a way forward toward combating the climate crisis that keeps driving the world stage to a threatened future.
H.E President William Samoei Ruto who spoke at the summit assured that clean energy is the way forward for the shift in climate crisis evaluation and eradication to curb its adversity.
“Kenya currently gets more than 90% of its electricity, and 74% of its overall energy, from renewable sources,” said Dr. Ruto.
While speaking with CNN’s Becky Anderson on the sidelines of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt that he didn’t think Africa should be leaning into fossil fuels at all for its energy needs in the future.
“I think leaning on fossil fuels is not an option,” Ruto said.
“In the face of the reality of what we know, is happening to our globe. We need to make difficult decisions, and the rest of the world needs to help Africa make the difficult decisions, work with the just transition of our energy, work with ensuring that we go green”.
Kenya is facing its worst drought in decades. Ruto said the government is having to provide food items for 4.3 million people facing starvation and are being forced to feed wildlife for the first time in the country’s history. He said Kenya has lost 2.2 million heads of livestock this year alone, worth 1.5 billion dollars.
“I think the fact that we have loss and damage in the agenda is a step in the right direction. More leaders are beginning to appreciate that it’s time for action. And that is why I appreciate though in a small way that this cup in Africa has been labeled the implementation code, and I hope that it will be,” he continued.