GMO Maize Importation Maze Stirs Questions

The question of importation of 52 million bags of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) duty-free maize for resolving hunger and starvation instead of buying from the farmers within has sparked controversy among Kenyans. GMO Maize importation has been criticized as direly consequential.

This comes after the government October opened the way for the importation and use of GMOs. Considering the statement by Trade and Investments Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria about GMOs was criticized as most people called on his need to retract the statement.

The CS went on his social media stating that the maize bags will be purchased from farmers after a report indicating that the farmers within the nation are withholding food amongst themselves.

“It is estimated that farmers are sitting on 20 million bags of maize. Let them release it to the millers. You can call me if no miller is buying your maize. It is further expected that the farmers are readying to harvest in the next two weeks about 35 million bags. Urgently deliver that to the millers so as to avoid the need for importing,” posted CS Kuria.

Azimio faction leaders led by Raila Odinga had strongly cautioned against the lift of the ban on GMOs remarking on its harmful effects on human health hence calling on the government to retract the track of encouraging consumption of the food and desist from GMO maize importation.

“Lifting of the ban was illegal since there is a required process for such a decision to be made, steps that were not followed up to hand because the people’s voice must be heard and respected,” said Raila Odinga.

He further cautioned CS Kuria about the statement he gave concerning the consumption of GMOs as he called on him to apologize to Kenyans for having stated that nothing is wrong with adding GMOs to the list of things that kill Kenyans.

“Cabinet Secretary for Trade and Investment Moses Kuria’s remarks on this matter are regrettable. To say that even without GMOs, Kenyans will die anyway is a mockery to the people of Kenya,” added Raila.

Other leaders who have opposed the move of GMO maize importation include Lawyer Miguna Miguna, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa, and Nandi Senator Samson Cherangai who have urged that importation will foul our farmers.

Pokot South MP David Pkosing emphasized the need to avoid this narrative of GMO maize importation saying he would file a petition in parliament seeking to stop any form of importation to the people of Kenya.

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