Rainfall, Temperature Forecast 21-28 Nov 2023 

Heavy to extremely heavy rainfall is expected to continue in most parts of Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, northern Tanzania, and southern Somalia. Given the heavy rains, hazards such as landslides, riverine, and flash floods are likely to continue in susceptible areas. National governments and humanitarian organizations are encouraged to enhance monitoring, preparedness, and emergency response. 

Total rainfall 

  • Heavy rainfall (greater than 200mm) is expected in the eastern regions of Rwanda and Burundi, north-western Tanzania, and western and central Kenya.
  • Moderate rainfall (50-200mm) is expected over most parts of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, southern Somalia, northern to western Tanzania, and southern South Sudan.
  • Light rainfall (less than 50 mm) is expected in parts of central to northern South Sudan, coastal regions of Sudan, Eritrea, central and northern Somalia, parts of western and southern Ethiopia, and southern Tanzania.
  • Dry conditions are expected over Sudan, most parts of Eritrea, Djibouti, northeastern to eastern Ethiopia, and northern Somalia. 

Note: 1 mm of rainfall is equivalent to 1 liter of water per square meter. 

Rainfall Anomalies 

  • Wetter than usual conditions are expected over Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, most parts of Kenya, southern Somalia, southern and south-western Ethiopia, central to southern South Sudan, and northern Tanzania.
  • Drier than usual conditions are expected over central to Southern Tanzania, and south-eastern parts of Kenya.

Exceptional rainfall

  • Extremely heavy rainfall is expected in parts of central to northern Kenya, a few regions in southern Somalia, and cross-border regions of eastern Rwanda, Burundi, and north-western Tanzania.
  • Heavy to very heavy rainfall is expected in Rwanda, Burundi, northern and western Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, southern Ethiopia, south-eastern South Sudan, and southern Somalia.

Flood update 

  • A high risk of riverine and flash flooding is anticipated in parts of central to northern Kenya, a few regions in southern Somalia, and cross-border regions of eastern Rwanda, Burundi, and north-western Tanzania where heavy to extremely heavy rainfall is forecast.  

Mean Temperature

  • Moderate to high temperatures (20-32℃) are expected over most parts of Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, eastern and northern Kenya, and south-eastern and north-eastern Ethiopia.   
  • Mild temperature conditions (less than 20℃) are expected over parts of northwestern Sudan, northern to southern Ethiopia, central to western Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, few regions in southwestern Uganda, southern Tanzania, and northern Somalia. 

Temperature anomalies

  • Warmer than usual temperatures are predicted in most parts of the region.
  • Cooler than usual temperatures are forecast over parts of eastern South Sudan into southwestern Ethiopia, north-eastern Kenya, and other isolated regions across the region.

Heat stress


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