Miyare Agriculture Institute Gets Ksh10million

The Royal Danish Embassy has supported the Miyare Agricultural Training Institute in Rongo, Migori, with Ksh 10 million for an upgrade of farmers in their efforts with tackling climate change.

The funds are essential in assisting farmers in the region to digitize their agriculture as they seek to improve production.

With the funding, six trainers will attain learning sessions to equip them with the skills of offering online courses, renovating the computer lab, buying computers, power backups, and other equipment. Some part of the funding is set to assist renovate a training hall and a dining hall.

According to Migori County government Agriculture executive Lucas Mosenda, the county has built an Sh9.3 million hostel at the institution and equipped it with Sh2.1 million which was part of the donation from the Danish embassy.

Through the support, he emphasizes that the county government intends to further construct a modern zero grazing unit for dairy and value addition. This is aimed at supporting the farmers in the region hugely through training and learning platforms of pragmatism.

“We will be able to train farmers in dairy, poultry, fish farming, and horticulture sectors in short courses and online,” Mosenda said during the handover of the project by Mogens Larsen from the Royal Danish Embassy.

Mr. Mosenda urges they will also be able to have youth and farmers’ groups work online using mobile applications to help get information and markets since the world is adopting technology.

Larsen further stated that the Kenyan government plans to tackle climate change and include youth in agriculture by upgrading training institutes in counties.

It’s these institutes like Miyare that play a key role in assisting farmers in the communities around them example; Miyare sitting on 25 acres has aided farmers from Homa Bay, Migori, Kisii, Narok, and Nyamira counties.

“Farming happens in rural areas and such institutes will help impact information on climate change among rural communities and youth,” he said.

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