Leasing Our Land, Fueling Climate Change

At various times in the geologic past, the Earth had dense forests in low-lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes such as flooding, these forests were buried underneath soil. As more and more soil deposited over them, they were compressed.


Wangari Maathai was well-known as a political, social, and environmental activist. In 1977 she started a grass-roots movement aimed at countering the deforestation that was threatening the means of subsistence of the agricultural population.

News & Features on Climate. See All

First African Female Attribution Scientist
First African Female Attribution Scientist

To scientist, Dr. Kimutai, Attribution science is a journey that began with a passion for meteorology after loving the environment

Paris Agreement Under Threat: Uncertain Climate Policies
Paris Agreement Under Threat: Uncertain Climate Policies

Withdrawal of the US from Paris Agreement has raised concerns on whether other nations would remain committed to their targets

Arabian Leopard: Fight for Survival Amidst Global Conservation
Arabian Leopard: Fight for Survival Amidst Global Conservation

The UN’s resolution acknowledges the ecological significance of the Arabian leopard, calls for increased regional cooperation for protection

Weather Outlook for the Greater Horn of Africa 12-19 February
Weather Outlook for the Greater Horn of Africa 12-19 February

These weather patterns may have implications for agriculture, water availability, and overall climate conditions in the region.

How Corruption Undermines Africa’s Fight Against Climate Change
How Corruption Undermines Africa’s Fight Against Climate Change

The 2024 Corruption Perception Index by Transparency International shows Sub-Saharan Africa’s systemic corruption undermines climate action

How Climate Projects Survive in Conflict Zones
How Climate Projects Survive in Conflict Zones

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Report reveals evidence linking high temperatures and drought to conflict risk in Africa

What to Know About National Energy Compacts
What to Know About National Energy Compacts

National energy compacts submitted are from; Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria

World Wetlands Day Revives Global Conservation Dialogue
World Wetlands Day Revives Global Conservation Dialogue

The celebration of World Wetlands Day at Ondiri Wetland, Afrika’s second deepest quaking bog ,is every February second of the year

Afreximbank Urges Africa to Own Its Resources and Industrialize
Afreximbank Urges Africa to Own Its Resources and Industrialize

Afreximbank has invested over $1 billion in mineral projects across the continent to support Africa’s transition to industrialization.

Regional Cooperation for Climate Action: What Africa Can Learn from the Pacific SIDS Model
Regional Cooperation for Climate Action: What Africa Can Learn from the Pacific SIDS Model

They brought to the global stage the importance of knowledge sharing across the Pacific for SIDS grappling with climate finance access

Eastern Africa Braces For Warmer, Drier Conditions in February
Eastern Africa Braces For Warmer, Drier Conditions in February

Eastern Africa is expected to experience significant weather variations between February and April 2025, as per ICPAC projections

Urgent Call for Anticipatory Action in Eastern Africa Amidst Climate and Conflict Crises
Urgent Call for Anticipatory Action in Eastern Africa Amidst Climate and Conflict Crises

The Eastern Africa region is grappling with severe natural hazards, from droughts to floods, exacerbated by ongoing conflicts that deepen the humanitarian crisis. To counter these challenges, a coalition of ICPAC, FAO, IFRC, DRC, and WFP has launched a…

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