Eastern Africa is expected to experience significant weather variations between February and April 2025, as per ICPAC projections

Eastern Africa is expected to experience significant weather variations between February and April 2025, as per ICPAC projections
The March to May 2025 seasonal forecast was developed using January 2025 projections from nine Global Producing Centres (GPCs)
Moderate rainfall, ranging between 50 and 200 mm, is expected in southern Kenya, central to western Tanzania, and much of Burundi.
In central Tanzania, heavy rainfall is expected to be both substantial and unusual, with some areas likely to record precipitation levels
Based on ICPAC’s forecast, the month of January is projected to bring drier-than-normal conditions across large swathes of East Africa
Unusual Rainfall Patterns and Warmer Temperatures Forecast for the Greater Horn of Africa in this early january of 2025
With heightened risks of flooding from heavy rainfall, increased heat stress, and potential disruptions, early preparedness is critical
Above-Average Rainfall Expected in East Africa, Warmer Conditions in Greater Horn of Africa’s Eastern and Southern Regions
Greater Horn of Africa set to experience above-average rainfall coupled with rising temperatures as of the 23rd to 30 October ICPAC forecast
This forecast by ICPAC is a crucial step in preparing for the anticipated impacts on livelihoods from the unprecedented eventualities